Exam project: Creating a
fictional microsite for Magasin.
Note: To see this website you might need a password. The user is "KEA" and the password is "KEA".
This was the project my group and I did for our third semester multimedia design exam at KEA. We ended up making a campaign for Magasin in the form of a content marketing solution. This was a fictional case meaning that there was no plan or agreement for Magasin to actually incorporate our campaign onto their site. However we were in some contact with them in order to gain insight on their customers and how our project reflected their identity and values. The mikrosite we created was meant to promote a certain line of products with the concept of winter bathing.
In this project our group consisted of four people. We therefore had our individual tasks and responsibilities. My tasks were to program some of the mikrosite, edit photo content for SoMe and marketing, and also model in the photos and videos for the site.
final landingpage.
The mikrosite we made was a one-pager that in theory would be linked to from Magasin’s website. In the hero section we included a short version of the promovideo we made, the whole of which can be seen at the bottom of the page. We used light and natural colours on the site and included a wave shape between sections to express the theme of winter, nature and water. The products all have a quick view button where you can read more on the items.
All of the content on the site was shot and created by us, which meant that we all went and tried winter bathing at a club in Copenhagen.
programming an early version of the site.
When it came to the programming of the site, we decided to use the CSS framework Bootstrap. In order to do this we created a HTML document in Brackets, where we then fetched a eksternal and ready CSS framework. After this, we were ready to program a fully responsive mikrosite. At times when we wanted to do something that Bootstrap couldn’t do, we made our own internal CSS file and linked it to the HTML document.
one of the billboards.
For this project we also made an Instagram account to show how it would look and what the content posted here could include – see the Instagram account here. Two of the posts on the account I had to create in photoshop. The effect is that you scroll horizontally on three images that connect seamlessly.
In terms of marketing we also created examples of how billboards would look for the campaign. The idea came from billboards we had seen for McDonalds, where they write how far there is to the nearest McDonalds. We wanted to do the same kind of promotion but instead of indicating to a physical shop, the billboard would say how far there was to the nearest beach where it was possible to bathe in the winter.
See the final website by clicking here.
See the Instagram account by clicking here.